
Live project

I'm so rubbish at blogging. I always remember to do it after a project instead of throughout ha. Well I've had a project to do designing the new logo for Leeds university's conservation society. The one they have at the moment is pretty rubbish so I wasn't too worried about it being hard to beat.

This is the original. The illustration for it is pretty poor.

The thing that I found REALLY taxing about this project is that I wouldn't be able to do my usual pencil drawing style easily, and somewhere along the line digitalisation will come into it.

I spent a lot, A LOT of time on the computer so I ended up with 2 final pieces. (It would have been 3 but one got deleted, obvsss). I learnt quite a bit of photoshop a long the way so that was good, that was one major aim for this next year.
These are the final pieces:

I got feedback and this is the final piece:

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