

These are my final pieces up in the end of year exhibition. I am really pleased by the end results! Unfortunatly I wasn't able to make it to the opening on the Thursday but I managed to go on the Friday. Everyones work was SO good! I hadn't had chance to see what people had been doing as we havn't been in college together for a long time, so it was really good to see what everyones been up to. I was pretty gutted that the Videos wern't working though. I'd seen some of them in the making but would have really liked to have seen them on the big screen.
While I was at it I also went to the Art Foundation exhibition. There was some really good stuff up in there, one thing me and Tom thought though was that the graphics work wasn't really up to the same standard as the other areas. There was ALOT of textile work going on which was interesting as there is none of that on our course.

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